terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

When you’re feeling unlucky take a look at your Jupiter!

 Jupiter, the lucky planet. Everything it touches it make it better, bigger and awesome. Everybody has Jupiter on your chart, both on Natal and transiting. So, when you find yourself in a troublesome situation, take a look at where your Jupiter is, and do whatever related to it.
For exemple, if you are having trouble with your family, it may means you have Saturn, Pluto or mars on your 4th house. Want to improve your relation to the family members? Look which Jupiter is transiting and make things related to it. Simple as that. If your it’s on your 8th house, go to a psychologist, talk about sexuality with them (yeah!) and stuff related to the 8th house (after all, 8th house is not as bad as people believe)
So, Next post I’m going to do a list of things would help you, depending on the position of Jupiter.

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

How will it work exactly?

Well, I’ll prepare lists here for each sign, aspect or transit. Lists with ideas that go from “take more conversations with your mom” to “travel to Mexico”. Just because you have the aspect or sign that is on the title of the blog, it doesn’t mean you have to do it all, I’ll just say things that are favorable for you. You follow if you want or if you have enough time.

What is your main goal?

I have always had the habit of looking though astrology to get answers when I felt stuck in life. But most of times I read information like “this transit is terrible; when it passes away you will feel better”. Well, I believe that each transit, sun sign, or whatever comes for a reason, it can be hard, but it’s up to you if it will be bad or good.
I want to pass to you my, from what I read and my own experiences, what is the best way to enjoy each aspect and moment of your life. I want to teach what you should learn and how you should prepare for hard situations in a simple way. So I found listing as the best and easier.


Have you ever had, after an astrology reading, the though “ok, I’m exactly like that, but what should I do now?” Or even listened that you are in a terrible transit and felt afraid of what will happen?
So, this blog is going to help you to find an easy and practical way to use your birth chart to improve your reality. How? Simple, I’ll post lists of ideas of what you should do, depending on your sun sign, aspects, anything related to astrology and the your situation.
I don’t have the intent to be judgmental, saying witch sign is better, and with one is more boring simply because I don’t believe in such a thing. I’ll just give tips to you, and you can follow or not, depending on your circumstances.
We believe that each day can be the best day of your life, no matter how many difficulties you have and how insecure you feel.